Good Boys
SocialAmp Technology
How do you energize a pre-screening crowd to share a good review? Treat them like the VIP they are! We created SocialAmp Technology for Good Boys that scanned the newsfeed for consumer reviews with the hashtag #GoodBoysReview and the mention @GoodBoysMovie. A WebSocket API then took those consumer reviews and fed them to a computer running an Adobe AfterEffects script to generate a customized video in real-time. A human moderator would then use our custom-built admin panel to check and approve videos to ensure they had the look and feel of a picture-perfect critic acclaim promo.
In the first 24 hours after launch, we received hundreds of tweets with a new review coming in on average every 5 minutes. With all that social buzz, we generated a reach of over 800,000 unique accounts! Good Boys went on to open at #1 in the box office on its opening weekend, making it the top-grossing comedy of 2019, in part because of the positive word of mouth we helped generate.
- Universal Pictures
- Concept
- Design
- Copywriting
- Development
- Content Management

Our system marries the audience with the studio using technology. With our automatic video generation, we can produce custom creative assets in seconds. Our team of moderators provides quality assurance that videos are formatted correctly and are appropriate. The audience gets to have their own words broadcast in a shareable video tweeted to them directly by an official movie account. The studio gets a tsunami of positive social messaging before their wide theatrical release. In the end, everyone wins!