The Hate U Give
For the theatrical release of The Hate U Give, 20th Century Fox wanted to create a shareable experience for fans. Inspired by the movie’s poster, PXL created an interactive swipe-up experience on film’s Instagram story. The audience generated their own GIFs to replace the word “Hate” in the film's title art with another word–like “love” or “compassion”. Fans were then encouraged to download and share their personalized GIFs to X, Facebook, and Instagram with the hashtag, “#ReplaceHate.” The campaign kicked off a huge movement across social media with over 1.9 million impressions over the two week period across all social media channels.
- 20th Century Fox
- Concept
- Design
- Copywriting
- Development

#ReplaceHate was shared thousands of times across X, Facebook, and Instagram during the two week campaign